Monday, December 11, 2006

November 15, 2006

Tried to be less negative and more patient with Tipton. yeserday was stressfull for both of us becaue eh wasn't listening to me. Today we both tried harder. And while we weren't perfect, things were definitely better.

Dave took the car today. So the kids and I walked everywhere. I really love having a stroller and riding board! First we walked back to Babyproffsen. I bought a rain bonnet for the stroller and one of those little fleecy pouches to put Lilli in when it gets cold (colder.) Then we walked down to Folkets Park. We went into the bulding/lobby for the reptile house. It was hot and smelled like bird poop and insence. Tipton didn't want to go in to see the lizards, etc. I was kind of relieved - the smell was making me queasy. So we walked towards the back of the park. We saw the little ponies. And the giant playground There must have been a school group there, because there were a LOT of kids! We stayed for about an hour. Then it was too rainy to play and the kiddos were getting hungry. Before we left the park, I put the new rain bonnet on the stroller. It works great (and it's got reflective strips!) We spent a lazy afternoon watching a video and wrestling on the couch. (Lilli had napped in the stroller on the way to the park.) Then we colored. I drew and colored about two dozen leaves. And a big tree trunk. Tipton and I taped the tree trunk to the wall, then cut out the leaves.Before he taped the leaves onto the tree, I wrote down things that we were thankful for onto them. I'm hoping to make this a Thanksgiving tradition.

Day 13: Things I've Learned
1) How to get to Folkets Park, and that they have a really cool playground
2) That I have no more minutes left on my cell phone - waaaaaaaaaah!
3) That what I had though twas a little single serving of cottage cheese with fruit sauce was actually a single serving of rice pudding with fruit sauce. Really, really good rice pudding. Called Risifrutti. Must find more...

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