Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oh Joy, Oh Happy Day!

Dave is (finally) buying a car! And we are all so very, very excited. He will no longer have to ride the bus. I will no longer have to hear him whine about riding the bus. To be fair, he does spend at least 2 1/2 to 3 hours every day walking to/waiting for/riding the bus. And now his commute will be about 20 minutes.

Yesterday after Lilli's nap the kids and I drove to Lund to get the tire fixed. We have been driving around on the spare tire for over a week - very, very bad. The kids and I stood outside and played in the snow while they fixed the tire. It only took about 20 minutes. We had about an hour to before we had to pick up Dave, so we went to the mall and I let the kids run free in the toy store.

The girl with the car came by a little before 7:00. Dave took it for a test drive. It was fine. In fact, it was great - perfect, wonderful! This morning I am going to walk to the bank to get a check. She will come back tonight and we'll give her a check and she'll give Dave the keys. And tomorrow Dave can DRIVE to work. He is so excited. He couldn't sleep last night because he was so excited.

Oh, and not only is Dave getting a car, but the girl said she would love to babysit for us! Woo-hoo! Oh joy, oh happy day!

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