Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pizza Pals

In our house, every Friday night is Pizza & a Movie Night. One Friday Tipton asked if Aaron could come home with us afterschool, and stay for dinner. I said yes and both boys were very excited.

I make pizzas (usually frozen, but on rare occasions I'll make one from scratch.) Cut up apples, fill cups with chocolate milk and lay a sheet out on the living room floor. The kiddos pick out a (child friendly) movie and then the magic happens. The children (usually) sit quietly eating their dinner and watching the movie.

Aaron really liked the idea of a pizza picnic while watching a movie.
After a while Lilli decided she needed to sit in a real chair. So when I got up to get the boys more pizza and apples, I came back to this.
Notice how she's holding on to the arms of the chair?

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