Tuesday, April 07, 2009

March and the First Week of April

Hello everyone! I'd like to give a shout-out to my Mom - Hi Mom! - and wish her a speedy recovery. This post is for you, Mom.
It is now April, and April is a busy month for us. We've got two birthdays and Easter. So there will be lots of pictures this month. I wanted to get caught up before all the festivities begin. So here goes...
Lilli's hair is growing long. She has finally stopped pulling it out, and is now growing "pretty princess hair." In fact, her hair is now long enough for pigtails!
Grandma Kay and Papa sent Valentine cards. Lilli's included a paper crown that she could punch out and decorated. She liked it. (And yes, her hair has blue and pink stripes. She'd gotten a haircut earlier that afternoon.)
Another random photo of Lilli looking cute. Playing dress-up.

I have been reading Tipton the Harry Potter books. We finished the first book a few weeks ago, and Tipton was really interested in "wizard's chess." I had mentioned to Dave that I always wanted to learn how to play chess. So one day while Dave was out running errands he picked up a chess set. He taught Tipton how to play chess. And ever since it has been nonstop chess in our house. Tipton is obsessed.

And he is trying to share his obsession with Lilli. Lilli is always happy and willing to play with him, however she doesn't really understand the finer points of the game... She likes to move her pieces randomly around the board and shout "Check mate!" after each move. Doesn't matter if she's no where near Tipton's king.

In an effort to captivate Lilli's attention, Tipton has incorporated the use of Playmobil figures into the game.

He is also creating his own special version of chess, where the Playmobil characters have their own special powers.

Such a creative little guy.

Oh, and one more thing. This doesn't have a photo to accompany it, but it's just too funny not to share... The other day Lilli spilled her lunch all over her shirt. So I had her change her shirt before we left for the movies. Dave walked by and asked Lilli what she was doing. She told him that she was changing her shirt. So then Dave asked her "Lilli, are you a clothes horse?" To which Lilli replied "Nej!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lilli is a little sweetie with the bestest name in the whole wide world;)