Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

It's been a long time between posts. I will try to do better this year. (Although that sounds familiar, like maybe I said that last year, too.) A lot has happened since the last post. November and December are busy months. I will try to catch up the blog with everything later. In a nutshell: We had a good visit to the US in November. Got to see family and friends, managed to stay out of the emergency rooms. December was filled with traditional chaos. Wonderful, happy chaos that this year included my Mom! She arrived on December 11th so that she could see the kids perform Lucia, and is staying with us through January 7th. This is the first time she has ever spent Christmas with us, and she got to spend it in Sweden! I have really loved having her here and will really miss her when she has to go back. We had some friends over for New Year's Eve. It was rather impromptu and poorly planned but everyone had a good time.

I have a few goals for 2009... I want to have friends over more often. I want to play games more often - with the kids and with our friends. I want exercise more (maybe even 'regularly'). I want to eat better - I want to make healthier meals. The children won't appreciate that as much as Dave and I will. But we are going to make an effort to have at least one vegetable at dinner, even if it's only salad. And the children will be required to try the vegetables, too. We are instituting a zero tolerance policy for the dinner table. If they play around and don't eat, they go to their room and/or to bed. No second chances. We have been way too lenient, and I don't like the dinner table being a battle ground. I want to "indulge" more - take trips, have date nights, go out with friends. I want to start enjoying life instead of waiting for things to happen.

Small things, all attainable through little changes. I am looking forward to this new year...

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