Monday, February 09, 2009

Terrance the Terrible

I try to keep my Fridays "open" as play days. This past Friday was no exception. My friend, Kim, and I spent the morning at my favorite cafe (Cafe Gusto) enjoying chai lattes and croissant sandwiches while we waited for our friend, Sam, to finish with Video Club at Bladins. Then the three of us walked all over downtown Malmö. My friend, Betsy, had told me about a thriftstore type of place called "Trash Station" located a few blocks behind the Central train station. We found it easily enough. And WOW. A very organized place. Even color coded. I found a stained glass type picture of a viking. The background and the sheild and the eyes are glass. The body and face and helmet are stone/pebble. I just couldn't resist, especially when I found out the cost. Only 10 kronor (that's about $1.25 USD). We spent the rest of our walk around town thinking of possible names for my little viking. We were having lunch at the thai buffet place when it came to me - Terrance the Terrible. Terry to his friends.

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