Friday, January 23, 2009

What are the odds of that EVER happening?

Have you ever had one of those days were everything seems to go wrong? When something happens and you think "What are the odds of that EVER happening to me?" Only, the entire day is like that? Well, that is how my entire WEEK has gone. The highlights:

Monday - I had an appointment for a massage. Only, Leslie (whom I absolutely ADORE!) forgets our appointment. In her defense, the stomach flu was going through her house and her husband had fallen victim that morning (and we all know what babies men can be...) Then my phone died.

Tuesday - I couldn't find the phone number for Tipton's asthma doctor, and his CVA has gotten much worse (the medicine isn't working at all anymore) so I went down to the office to get an appointment for him. It took over an hour to get an appt (that they would then mail me a notice to let me know when it was) and I missed my yoga class (which started at 10:45, I got to the dr office at 10:00 - just to get an appointment time.)

Wednesday - Thought Lilli broke her toe. Fortunately it's not broken, but at the time I thought it was. She dropped a hippo on her toe. Well, a Little Tykes hippo flashlight. She screamed, Tipton freaked out, and in the three seconds it took me to get to her her toe had turned red and swelled and the toenail was dark purple. The big toe on her right foot. If it had been any other toe I wouldn't have been overly concerned, but since it was her big toe, and since it got so swollen and red and purple... I freaked. I called and got her an appointment at the Vårdcentral. And I gave her motrin/tylenol and put ice on it. Of course, by the time of her appointment it was much better. Still red and purple and swollen, but she could bend it and walk on it. The doctor examined her toe and assured me that it was not broken. Then she said that she could make a hole in the toenail to relieve the pressure (and get rid of the 'purple', which was Lilli's chief complaint at that time.) She straightened out a paperclip and held it over a flame to sterilize it and get it 'red hot.' The plan was to quickly and firmly make a hole in the toenail. Only, she didn't want to hurt Lilli so she was not as quick or firm as she should have been and the paperclip slipped and made a hole in Lilli's TOE instead. However, Lilli recovered quickly and begged to go to Little Gym that afternoon. So we went. Now, Jenni Eidelbach was in town. She'd gotten in on Tuesday, but spent the day sleeping so that we could 'play' on Wednesday. Only, she slept until almost 4:00 in the afternoon. She said she'd run down and get on the train to come to Malmö. But she couldn't find her train card, so an hour later she calls me and tells me she's on her way to the train station. Then she calls and says that she'll be on the 5:23 train. This had her arriving right in the middle of dinnertime. So I postponed dinner. Around 5:30 Jenni calls to tell me that she has missed the train. She was standing on the platform and watched it come in, watched people getting off and on, and yet she thought "Oh, that's not the right train." So she didn't get on it. It was the right train. She was standing right next to it, and yet she missed it. So she got the NEXT train. By the time she got in and the kids and I picked her up and got back home it was almost 7:00. Which is when my kids bedtime routine usually starts - and yet we were just sitting down to dinner.

Thursday - I took my car to be serviced. It has needed service since October, but I didn't have time to get it done before we left for the US in November. Then didn't have time to get it done in December. So I called in January and took the first available appointment, which was at 9:00 on Thursday. Sadly, my yoga class was also at 9:00 on Thursday. So I missed yoga, again. And managed to make three wrong turns on the way to the service place. Fortunately, both Sam (who was following me to give me a ride home) and I had just filled our cars with gas. And I finally found the place.

Friday - Sam took me to pick up my car. I managed to make three wrong turns on the way there. I should note that they were three DIFFERENT wrong turns from the day before. We got there around 10:45. My massage had been rescheduled for 11:00. So I had 15 minutes to get back across town. On the way there I was pulled over for a random alcohol check. Not that I was worried, but I passed the breathalizer check - woo-hoo!

I was a few minutes late for my massage, but Leslie understood. And Leslie is magical. Leslie is wonderful.

Since my massage everything seems to be much slower. Much better.

Nothing catastrophic happened this week. (Well, Lilli might not agree.) It was just one of those weeks, when you think (and keep thinking) 'What are the odds of that EVER happening?'

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