Both kids were very excited, but I definitely think Lilli was MORE excited than Tipton. Lilli was finally going to get to go to school at Bladin's (aka Tipton's school.) Here they are all dressed and ready to go. Of course, it was raining.

I had no problem dropping Lilli off at her classroom. In fact, I had to call her back to give me hugs and kisses. She already knew several of the kids in her class (through Little Gym) and was not at all sad to be leaving me for several hours.
And of course, by now Tipton is a pro at the whole 'school' thing. He knew to change into his 'indoor shoes' and to hang up his coat and take out his folder and to line up at the door. Such a big boy.
The next day we were home after school, having snack, and Tipton and Lilli were making faces at each other. It was a few moments before I realized that they weren't just making silly faces - they were WINKING at each other. It was just too funny.

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