Later that day the kids and I made some musical instruments. Tipton's favorite was the tissue box guitar. He would jump up in the air and shout "Rock & Roll!" and start strumming wildly on his guitar.
We also made some rain sticks (which were really cool!) Then Tipton decided that we needed to form a band. A marching band. Lilli chose to play the drum. (Dave and I think she looks like Kay, Dave's Mom, in this picture - the way the hair frames her face.)
For a snack we had yogurt. I have a love/hate relationship with yogurt. On one hand it's a quick, healthy snack that requires no preparation. On the other hand, there's this:

Really, I did give her a spoon. I gave Tipton a spoon, too. And although Tipton slurps his yogurt, he at least slurps it from a spoon.
See! Lilli's holding up her unused spoon. Signaling that she would like to eat some more yogurt.

And then yesterday we all got haircuts. I was a little nervous. We would all three be getting haircuts. Which meant that at some point I would not be able to oversee all the trouble Lilli would be trying to get into. But it worked out well. Tipton and I had gotten our hair cut at this place once before. We had the entire back room to ourselves. And they closed the door so that Lilli couldn't escape out the front and run into the street. I brought way too many snacks and diversionary toys. Isn't that always the way it goes? Lilli spent most of her time stomping across the hardwood floor, to see how much noise she could make.
I was all set to get Lilli's head shaved, but the woman cutting Lilli's hair just couldn't do it. So she just cut it really short. (Although not short enough for me. Lilli can still put it out.) When she was done she "painted" Lilli's hair. Pink. Two pink stripes. So of course Tipton wanted his hair painted after his was cut. Green. Here are my punk rock children on our walk home from getting hair cuts.

When we got home, Lilli decided to read a book to her elephant.

That afternoon I had put on a video for Lilli to watch (since Tipton was at a playdate.) I left the room to do something and when I came back this is how I found Lilli

Wearing her shirt on her head. What a clown.
Later that afternoon Lilli took her shirt off completely. Then after she went potty she stepped out of her shorts and panties and ran down the hall and dove into the beanbag. So of course I had to grab the camera. When Lilli heard me get the camera she turned to look over her shoulder and said "Cheese!" The result was quite possibly the cutest picture, Ever. Unfortunately, I can't post it here. I am leary about posting naked pictures of my baby girl on the internet. But trust me, it's adorable.
1 comment:
Cute hair! post a picture of you too.
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