Tuesday, March 30, 2010

November 2009 - US

We went to the US towards the end of November. Here is a photo dump!

We drove down to NC to see our friends. We went to one of our old favorite playgrounds in Cary.

Tipton and Lilli on the slide.

We went for a walk along the greenway near the park. Tipton and Lilli pose amongst the leaves.

We had dinner with the Killmeyers. Mark taught Tipton how to play Stratego.

The annual kid picture on the stairs. Lilli was really tired by this point. From the back left: Leanne, Lilli, Karen, Mark, Tipton.

Jenn & Amy - the last minute "Wait! We didn't a picture of the two of us!" photo.

We hung out with the Davis's as much as possible while we were in NC. Rowan and Tipton playing Wii.

Lilli dressing up in a wig. (Just a moments earlier Niall was wearing the wig.)

Silly kid picture on the couch: Niall, Lilli, Tipton, Rowan.

Cute kid picture on the couch. Same order.

Jenn & Milli

Back in VA. Went to lunch with Elvira & Keith and Tierny, Gus & Alessandra at the Cactus Cantina.

Tipton sneaks in a few snuggles with Mommy.

After lunch we walked to a nearby park.

Jenn, Elvira & Tierney.

Elvira and Keith stayed a few days with us at Dave's parent's house.

Jenn & Elvira.

Thanksgiving! Cynthie snacks on apples while Lilli colors.

Kay in the kitchen.

And here we go back to the beginning of the month... Pictures from two different cameras. They sort separately in the file. Sorry for the confusion...

Lilli wearing Tipton's Annikan Skywalker Lego Minifigure halloween costume.

NC: We had dinner with CJ - Tipton's best friend from preschool.

CJ & Tipton

NC: Lilli & Tipton going down one of the slides at the playground in Cary.

Rowan tries on the viking hat we brought him (complete with beard.)

Lilli and Niall. Niall is wearing the viking hat that we brought for him.

Keith and Elvira at the Three Little Pigs restaurant. Mmmmmmm - pork bbq!

Jack and Tipton goofing off in Papa's chair.

Tipton and Uncle John playing Wii tennis.

A rare photo of Jenn & Dave together!

We were playing Phase 10. Everyone kept skipping Todd. Todd created this helpful sign so that we'd know who to skip.

Our Thankful Tree. (Photo by Lilli)

Tipton and Jack.

We wanted to get a family picture on Thanksgiving, but we forgot until John was trying to get out the door with the boys.

Bailey with Truman, Todd with Cameron, Cynthie, John, Lydia with Jack, Dave, George, Jenn (Kay was taking the photo. Donna and Ladd had already left.)