Lilli is quite the budding artist. She is always wanting to paint or color with markers or make pictures with stickers, etc. Here she is working on a self portrait.
Lilli is growing up so fast. Sometimes it's hard to believe that she is only three (and at the same time I can't believe that she is ALREADY three!)
Lilli loves to dress up. Usually she gravitates towards skeletons and/or princesses. But on this day she wanted to be Super Kid.
Lilli has started to catch on to the fact that when Mommy says "No" she means "NO." And that no amount of whining will change that (it will only serve to make Mommy angry, which is never a good thing.) However, every now and then Lilli will test that to make sure Mommy still really means "NO." Recently she "tantrummed" herself to sleep in the hallway.
It was close to dinner, in fact I was preparing dinner when she fell asleep. So I just left her on the floor (she seemed pretty comfortable) until dinner was ready. Then I woke her up and told her to go to the table. I walked away to check on something and when I came back I found Lilli like this:
It seems she wasn't quite awake.
We recently got a box from Dave's parents. Inside was a shirt for Lilli. Grandma Kay saw it in the store and told Papa "Oh, wouldn't Lilli just LOVE that!" So Papa put it in the basket and that was that. And Grandma Kay was right. Lilli absolutely LOVES it! (You can see some of Lilli's artwork on the wall behind her.)